
15ma in sheet music.
Image © Brandy Kraemer

Definition: The musical command 15ma, or “quindicesima” (fifteenth), indicates a note or series of notes will be played two octaves higher than written. 15ma makes it easier to notate and to read notes that may otherwise require several ledger lines (see image).
15ma can affect a single note, or it may span several measures. Its effect ends at the word loco.

See 8va & 15mb.

Also Known As:

  • alla quindicesima, “at the fifteenth [double octave]” (It)

Pronunciation: queen'-dee-TCHAY-see-mah
More Musical Abbreviations:

Musical Symbols:
Staff & Barlines
The Grand Staff
Key Signatures
Time Signatures
Note Lengths
Dotted Notes
Music Rests
Tempo Commands
Dynamics & Volume
8va & Octave Commands
Repeat Signs
Segno & Coda Signs
Pedal Marks
Piano Chords

Beginner Piano Lessons
▪  Notes of the Piano Keys
▪  The Point Of Double-Sharps
▪  Finding Middle C on the Piano
▪  Essential Piano Fingering
▪  Comparing Major & Minor Chords
Getting Started on Keyboards
▪  Finding the Right Piano Teacher
▪  Sitting Correctly at the Keys
▪  Playing Piano vs. Electric Keyboard
▪  How to Buy a Used Piano
Piano Chords
▪  Chord Types & Symbols in Sheet Music
▪  Root Notes & Chord Inversion
▪  Diminished Chords & Dissonance
▪  Essential Piano Chord Fingering
▪  Different Types of Arpeggiated Chords
Piano Care
▪  Everyday Piano Care
▪  Safely Whiten Your Piano Keys
▪  When to Tune a Piano
▪  Easy-to-Spot Signs of Piano Damage
▪  Piano Room Temps & Humidity Levels
Piano Recitals & Performing
▪  What to Eat & Drink Before a Performance
▪  Concert Etiquette for the Audience
▪  Warming Up for a Piano Performance
▪  Minimizing Stage Fright
▪  Overcoming Mistakes On Stage
♫ Musical Quizzes!
● Identify the Piano Keys
Musical Articulation:
◦ staccato
◦ tie
◦ (rfz) rinforzando
◦ arpeggiato
◦ accentato
Volume Commands & Symbols:
◦ (mf) mezzo forte
◦ (sfz) sforzando
◦ diminuendo
◦ al niente
◦ (fp) fortepiano
Common French Musical Terms:
◦ à l’aise
◦ doucement
◦ en ralentissant
◦ mi-doux
◦ très vite
German Musical Commands:
◦ anschwellend
◦ lebhaft
◦ geschwind
◦ fröhlich
◦ schnell